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The Self Care Passport Podcast is about creating a Self Care Lifestyle that you LOVE. Through solocasts yand amazing guests you will be inspired to reach out and take another look at how you can best support yourself through your choices. Simplicity, Abundance and Embodiment are kept top of mind. We will explore the many facets of self care and how it relates to your health, love, finances, soulful and heart centered living, boundaries, clarity, creativity, relationships and how we consume or let go of…. all that we are we encounter in our physical or emotional life. Let's go on this journey together. The time is now. Visit for additional resources and freebies.
Check out the podcast on iTunes or Spotify to get easy access to these episodes on your phone. You can find your favorite resource in the icons below. If you are feeling a little extra love please leave a review while you're there. ~ Janae

Jun 2, 2023

In this next series, I will be talking about habits that I personally have come to establish or are in the process of establishing. Some take a little longer to get into routine. I took a look and a feel into my conditioned tendencies.

Habits come naturally, be it for your benefit or against the truth in those patterns can be so helpful in fortifying or inching your way to meet your demise. if you want you can put those into categories of good and bad but really they are clues to what lies ahead if you are willing to call yourself out or congratulate yourself on an easy implementation.

Questions always arise. Where I am committing, not committing to what I really want. This concept of a mini-series based on my own life personally feels aligned. I am looking forward to sharing these with you. I want to have fun, not over-commit, and find joy in the ordinary.

Once again Simplicity, Abundance, and Embodied living are along for the ride. I have always found a lot of freedom in structure. This is speaking the truth once again. Habits are foundations that allow life to unfold as It comes with more assurance. ~Janae
